Title Sequence
NatGeo - Explorer
At one point, National Geographic’s Explorer had been removed from its programming. It was announced that the series was coming back, and Digital Kitchen won the work to create the new title sequence and score. For someone like myself that’s been a huge fan of Documentaries - especially NatGeo - this was such a thrilling opportunity!
The concept was to utilized a variety of archival footage and photography pieces from the 25 year history of Explorer. They wanted something highly graphic, but fast, modern, and showcased a wide variety of themes that the show was known to document. I was partnered with a buddy friend named Cody Tilson to design and animate such a fierce intro - and we had a blast!
Design & Animation - Digital Kitchen
Creative Director - Ryan Summers
Designers - Patrick Coleman & Cody Tilson
Animation - Patrick Coleman, Jason Esser
Producer - Blake Nickle
Edit - Mike Radtke
Score - Wes Slover