Main on End (Title Sequence)


Spoiler Alert: A main point of this films story is exploring 2 opposing factions: Shield & Hydra. Though very much related to one another, they also oppose each other.

We designed this sequence to be high contrast, referencing their inherent duality but also creating moments that show a symbiotic relationship. In many ways, the film feels like a modern take on a retro spy-hunter movie. We took influence from classic graphic design and title sequences to better tell this story.

At Sarofsky, we learned a lot with this project. It was our first time doing A) a Main On End title sequence B) Stereoscopic C) working with Marvel & their security requirements & D) working with a team this large. I was tasked with creating the first 25 seconds, plus a few other scenes throughout. Everything was created in Cinema4D and composited in Nuke because of the stereoscopic release.

In the end, we created one of my favorite projects of all time that I still look back at fondly.


Created while working with Sarofsky.